
Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 75 g flour
  • 125 ml water
  • 35 g butter
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 400 g whipping cream
  • 55 g sugar
  • 125 g dark chocolate couverture


  1. Sieve the flour to aerate it and avoid any lumps.
  2. Put the butterfly accessory in the mixing jar.
  3. Add the water, butter and salt to the mixing jar.
  4. Select “sauce” speed 2, 100 degrees, 9 minutes.
  5. When it starts to boil, add all the flour at once.
  6. Uncover the mixing jar and work the dough on speed 3, 60 degrees, 4 minutes.
  7. Uncover the jar and leave to cool for a few minutes.
  8. Cover again and select “pastry”, speed 2, 12 minutes.
  9. Add the eggs one at a time through the middle aperture in the jar lid. Do not add the second egg until the first one has been completely absorbed by the pastry.
  10. Fill a piping bag with a round mouth with the choux pastry.
  11. Arrange balls of two centimetres in diameter a little apart on a piece of baking paper.
  12. If you have any peaks in the dough, smooth them out with a spoon dipped in water.
  13. Bake in a preheated oven at 220 degrees Celsius for ten minutes.
  14. Carefully open the oven door to let the steam escape. Close it again and cook for another 5 to 10 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.
  15. Leave the profiteroles to cool.
  16. Whip the cream and sugar with the butterfly accessory in the mixing jar on speed 7.
  17. Put it into a piping bag with a very small mouth.
  18. Make a small incision in the base of the profiteroles, insert the sleeve mouth and fill with the whipped cream.
  19. Set aside in the fridge.
  20. When ready to serve: crush the chocolate in the mixing jar on speed 4, 40 degrees, 7 minutes.
  21. Pour the melted chocolate over the profiteroles, just before serving.


  • If you like, you can open the profiteroles in the middle and fill them with cream to give them more volume.
  • Optionally, you can mix the cream with powdered gelatine before whipping to keep it for a few hours without going flat.

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