Macaroni della massaia

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 400 g veal stock
  • 20 g dried tomatoes
  • 30 g raisins
  • 10 Brandy or sherry
  • 50 g spring onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 chilli
  • 40 g red pepper
  • 40gr green or yellow pepper
  • 50gr courgette
  • 50gr aubergine
  • 50gr extra virgin olive oil
  • 60gr frozen peas
  • 100gr cured ham shavings
  • 20gr toasted pine nuts
  • 280gr macaroni
  • 100gr Parmesan flakes


  1. Heat the stock in the mixing jar on speed 0, 120 degrees, 25 minutes, with the lid semi-open so that most of the liquid evaporates. Place the steam basket on top so that it does not splatter.
  2. Set aside.
  3. Soak the tomato in cold water to rehydrate it.
  4. Soak the raisins in the Brandy or Sherry.
  5. Place the peeled and quartered onion in the clean jar, along with the garlic and chilli. Blend on speed 2, 15 seconds. Remove from the jar and repeat the operation with the peppers (without seeds).
  6. Remove the peppers and repeat with the courgette and aubergine cut into quarters.
  7. Put all the cut vegetables together in the jar with the blade guard on. Add the raisins and drained tomatoes. Cook, with the olive oil, on speed 1, 120 degrees, 3 minutes.
  8. Set the vegetables aside.
  9. Fill the mixing jar (blade guard on) with 1 litre of water containing a pinch of salt. Heat on speed 0, 120 degrees for 5 minutes. Add the pasta through the nozzle of the stopper and cook at speed 0, 100 degrees, for the time indicated on the pasta packet.
  10. Drain the pasta with the steamer basket and put it back in the jar with the reduced veal stock, the vegetables, the peas and the ham. Heat on speed 0, 80 degrees, 2 minutes.
  11. Serve with the pine nuts and Parmesan flakes.

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