Vegetable Chutney

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 1 fresh chilli
  • 100 g tomato
  • 100 g aubergine
  • 80gr courgette
  • 50gr red pepper
  • 50gr shallots or small sweet onion
  • 2 cm ginger
  • 1 clove garlic
  • Sunflower oil
  • 20gr sherry vinegar
  • 100gr Modena vinegar
  • 50 g brown sugar
  • Salt


  1. Cut the tomato into quarters and place in the mixing jar without seeds. Add the chilli. Blend on speed 4, 6 seconds. Set aside.
  2. Separately place the seeded aubergine, courgette and pepper, cut into quarters, in the jar.
  3. Blend on speed 1, 6 seconds. Set aside all the ingredients.
  4. Chop the shallot, garlic and peeled ginger on speed 7, 20 seconds.
  5. Remove from the blender and carefully replace the blade guard.
  6. Return the shallot mixture to the jar with a good splash of oil. Cook on speed 4, 120 degrees, 5 minutes.
  7. Add the aubergine, courgette and pepper. Uncover the basin a little (optionally place the steamer to avoid splashing). Cook on speed 1, 120 degrees for 15 minutes.
  8. Add the tomato and half of the two vinegars.
  9. Select “sauce”, speed 1, 90 degrees 20 minutes.
  10. Add the sugar.
  11. Select “sauce”, speed 1, 90 degrees, 1 minute and add the rest of the vinegar.
  12. Season with salt.
  13. Cook for a further 10 minutes on speed 0, 90 degrees.
  14. You can serve the chutney either hot or cold, on its own or as a garnish for meat or fish.

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