Cheese Tortellini

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 300 g of cheese spread
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 whole egg
  • Salt

Pasta ingredients:

  • 200 g of strong flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. of olive oil


For the filling:

  • Place the blade guard carefully in the mixing jug. Incorporate the cheese and the yolk and mix them at SL speed, 40 seconds. Set aside.

For the pasta:

  1. Place the ingredients in the clean mixing jug with the blade guard on. Stir at speed 4, 5 minutes.
  2. Remove the dough from the jug and let it rest for 20 minutes wrapped in plastic wrap or under a damp cloth.
  3. Roll it out very fine, either with a rolling pin or with a fresh pasta machine. Die cut disks of about 7 cm. diameter.
  4. Put 1 teaspoon of cheese filling in the center. Paint the edges with beaten egg and close as if it were a pastry.
  5. Take the ends of the dumplings and press them together to seal them.
  6. Heat 1 liter of salted water in the mixing jug with the blade guard at SL speed, 100 degrees, 5 minutes.
  7. Add some tortellini and cook at SL speed, 100 degrees, 1 minute.
  8. Drain them with a spider strainer or draining spoon and repeat the operation.
  9. Serve with a sauce or add a splash of oil so they don’t stick.


  • You can steam tortellini if ​​you wish.
  • If the tortellini is not for immediate use, it is preferable to freeze them so that they do not deform.

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