Helpful Tips

Sharpening the blades:
You are unlikely to ever need to sharpen the blades on your device. However, if the blades do become a little less effective someday, you can restore them to their original condition by crushing ice, making sure you have previously immersed the ice in water. Crush the ice at speed 10 for 20-30 seconds.

Cooking with liquids:
For longer cooking times, slightly adjust the lid so that it does not cover the entire bowl. If you wish, you can place the steamer on top to prevent spattering.

Browning ingredients:
To brown an ingredient, simply add a small amount and, if you wish, uncover the measuring cup to allow the moisture to evaporate.

Cleaning the device:
Remove the blades before cleaning the device.

During the process of crushing (and cooking), the blades push the ingredients upwards along the sides of the bowl. When adding a new ingredient, use the spatula to move it down towards the blades.

Blade shield:
This stops the blades from cutting the ingredients you are cooking. To prevent injury, take care when attaching it.

Removing the lid and the measuring cup:
If the bowl’s contents are hot, take care not to burn yourself as the steam is released from inside.

Add at least half a litre of water to the bowl. Remove the measuring cup, add the steamer containing the ingredients to be cooked, and cover with the lid. Heat the water to 100°C at speed 1. When the temperature nears 100°C, the bowl will fill with steam.
Take care when lifting the lid, as the steam could burn you.