Ingredients for a 4 person pizza:

  • 125 g of water
  • 15 g fresh yeast
  • 25 g of extra virgin olive oil
  • 150 g of strong wheat flour
  • 100 g spelt flour
  • 5 g of salt
  • 2.5 g of sugar


  1. Put the water, yeast and oil in the mixing jug with the blade protector. Mix, speed 2, 30 degrees, 15 seconds.
  2. Add the flours, salt and sugar.
  3. Mix speed 2, 30 degrees, 3 minutes.
  4. Let the covered dough rise in the mixing jug for 2 hours.
  5. Remove it from the jug carefully; stretch it on a baking paper, a silicone griddle or a floured tray.
  6. Let it sit for 20 minutes and cover it with the ingredients that you like the most.
  7. Bake at 220 degrees 10-15 minutes.

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