Cold Chocolate cake with Coffee Scent

Pastel de Chocolate Frío con Aroma de Café


  • 2 egg whites
  • 400 g dark chocolate topping
  • 250 g of salted butter
  • 4 yolks
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of soluble coffee


  1. Leave the egg whites at room temperature to gain heat.
  2. Place the butterfly accessory and beat at speed 4, 7 minutes until they are thick and white. Put aside.
  3. Melt the chocolate with the butter in the mixing jug at speed 4, 40 degrees, 8 minutes.
  4. Add the egg yolks plus the sugar and the soluble coffee and continue beating at speed 4, 40 degrees, 2 minutes.
  5. Mix the prepared chocolate with the whites in a separate container with a spatula. It is necessary to mix it carefully from top to bottom to incorporate air into the mixture and thus prevent the whites from falling.
  6. Put the mixture into zurito glasses or individual molds.
  7. Chill for a minimum of 2 hours before removing from the mold.


  • Serve it with some dried fruit – optionally caramelized – crushed, or with a red fruit purée.


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