Stewed Lentils

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 1 small onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 60 g of extra virgin olive oil
  • ½ red pepper
  • ½ green pepper
  • 3 ripe tomatoes
  • Salt and pepper
  • Sugar
  • Sweet paprika
  • Cumin
  • Fresh thyme
  • 600 g cooked lentils


  1. Place the peeled and quartered onion along with the peeled garlic into the mixing jug.
  2. Shred, speed 7, 10 seconds.
  3. Add the olive oil and cook on speed 4, 120 degrees, 5 minutes.
  4. Add the tomatoes cut in half (with seeds removed).
  5. Cook at speed 4, 100 degrees 7 minutes.
  6. Add the seedless peppers.
  7. Crush at speed 4, 10 seconds.
  8. Cook at SL speed, 100 degrees, 3 minutes.
  9. Season with salt, pepper, a pinch of sugar, paprika and cumin.
  10. Add a sprig of fresh thyme.
  11. Cook at SL speed, 100 degrees, 1 minute.
  12. Remove the sautéed mixture from the mixing jug and, when cold, carefully put the blade protector on.
  13. Put the sautéed mixture back into the mixing jug along with the cooked lentils (with a little of the cooking water, otherwise the lentils will flake).
  14. Heat at SL speed, 2 minutes.
  15. Adjust the seasoning if necessary.


  • To prepare an exceptional stew, we advise you to try preparing it with Puy or Caviar lentils, which will give your dish a special touch due to its color, texture and flavor.

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