Pumpkin Cream With Cheese Tortellini

Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 1 small onion
  • 500 g of violin squash
  • 40 g of butter
  • 10 g of extra virgin olive oil
  • 250 g chicken broth
  • 250 g of water
  • 1/2 c.c. white peppercorns
  • Some fresh basil or mint leaves


  • Place the peeled and quartered onion, along with the peeled and diced squash in the mixing jug.
  • Crush, speed 8, 15 seconds.
  • Add the butter and oil and cook on speed 4, 120 degrees, 4 minutes.
  • Wet with liquids. Add salt and pepper and, optionally, season with cayenne.
  • Cook at speed 4, 90 degrees, 25 minutes.
  • Let the cream cool.
  • Add the basil and just crush the cream.
  • Serve it with the fresh cheese tortellini


  • For cold days, substitute fresh herbs with a little cinnamon and ½ piece of cloves.
  • If you do not feel like making the tortellini, you can serve the cream by adding a tablespoon of cheese spread and some toasted sesame seeds.

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